
Kosher Conversion guides potential converts on their path towards Orthodox conversion to Judaism.

Kosher Conversion was launched in June 2022 by a (nameless ‘cos he’s shy) rabbinical student living in Israel, as an online resource on Judaism for conversion candidates. Kosher Conversion’s vision is to become the number one online resource for candidates on their journey towards conversion.

The resource is currently the only one online intended to provide the candidate with all the knowledge required for an Orthodox conversion to Judaism. Kosher Conversion also focuses on helping the candidate integrate comfortably within the Jewish community. 

Kosher Conversion intends to create an interactive siddur (prayer book) allowing candidates to practice the prayers while hearing the prayers as they are pronounced in the synagogue.

PLEASE NOTE: Kosher Conversion does not perform conversions! Conversions are only performed by legitimate Rabbinical authorities.

I look forward to helping you!

Kosher Conversion


  1. Miguel Asencio Broncheur

    Shalom, my name is Miguel.
    This series of kosher conversions opened my eyes thanks to Hashem, and thanks to you that you have made known to the public this series of relevant topics so that those of us who want to convert to Judaism and be part of the Jewish people can do it with knowledge, commitment and in a kosher way. Please tell me where there is a Jewish community that I can approach in Latin America, I live in Chile with my wife, and we were just starting a conversion process not in a kosher way without a bet din recognized and accepted by the Rabanut of Israel. But thanks to Hashem I arrived here, Hashem answered my prayer because I didn’t know what to do if I should continue or not to continue in this process. But now I know that I must approach an obviously orthodox synagogue that can help us to integrate and go learning and practicing Judaism so that when we are ready we can enter the conversion process and present ourselves to a recognized bet din either in Isrsel or where there is an accepted bet din. Please tell me which synagogues in Colombia (since my wife is from there) I can approach if you have contact with the rabbi or also in the United States although I think that because of the language (since I only speak Spanish) it is more difficult for me although it can be a Spanish speaking sinsgogah.


    • Hi Miguel,

      There is a very small Jewish community in Chile. You can try to contact them. These are the contact details:

      Chile – Santiago. Chafetz Chaim Jewish Community. Rabbi Yitzchak Shaked. Avenida Quinchamali 14.159 Las Condes, Santiago, Chili. Email: jajezjaim@manquehue.net

      Let me know if you have any issues.

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