Hebrew Letters in a Torah Scroll
Hebrew Letters in a Torah Scroll Pixabay

The Hebrew Alphabet: How to Read and Pronounce Each Letter

One of the GPS curriculum requirements for converting to Judaism is “a basic ability to read Hebrew in a way that allows you to follow and participate in prayers.” The unfamiliar Hebrew alphabet, looks daunting to most potential converts to Judaism. This post will be the first in series in which I will teach you …

Why are There No Conversions to Judaism in Latin America? A Mystery Explained.

If you live in Latin America and have started to look into converting into Judaism, you may have discovered that there is no Beth Din (Rabbinical Court) in the entire Latin America which performs conversions to Judaism. The truth is, that I was also surprised (actually shocked) when I learned about this. An entire continent …

How Much Does Conversion to Judaism Cost? The Ultimate Cheat Sheet!

If you are considering joining the Jewish nation, you will probably be wondering how much does conversion to Judaism cost? In this article I will explore the various items which you should take into consideration while calculating the costs – together with some very rough estimates of the costs of each item. Costs are calculated …

How to Convert to Judaism in 9 Steps: Everything You Need to Know

So. You want to convert to Judaism? You are in great company. Some of Judaism’s most famous figures were righteous converts. Notable personalities like Yisro, Rus, Onkelos, Shemaiah, Avtalyon and the prophet Ovadia were all converts to the nation of Israel. Deciding to convert to Judaism is one of the biggest decisions you will ever …

Directory of Accredited Beth Dins for Conversions

The Israeli Rabbinate only accepts conversions as valid from certain Beth Dins outside of Israel. On the 12th of December 2021, the Israeli Rabbinate published a list of Beth Dins which are recognised to perform conversions. The original document is in Hebrew. I have translated the list to English below. Please note, the original document is disorganised …

How to Live Jewish: 297 Biblical Commandments

The Torah commands the Jews to observe 613 commandments (248 dos and 365 don’t dos). In 1931 Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan (noting that the majority of the biblical commandments only apply during temple times) published a list of 271 commandments which apply in the present era.     This article is an English translation of …